Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The day has come....

my sister and her hubby are leaving tonight on their two week honeymoon...late honeymoon, they got married over a year ago, but when they do things they do it big, so since they got married so fast and then had to move 3 hours away, and my sister had to find a job, they decided to save up money and GO BIG for their honeymoon. So I'm going to be the Raquel and Danny blogger, since my sis doesn't have a blog...I've tried, she doesn't have time...so she says :)  The whole family, my side and my brother in law's side of the family are all coming to my house tonight, to see them off. I know we are weird like that, we have to have a get together to see them, and to say goodbye, kisses, hugs all that. So, their trip will be two weeks. They are going to my brother in law's hometown in New Jersey, then they are off to NYC, then to Puerto Rico to board their cruise to the Caribbean...Barbados, St. Lucia, St Maarten....and somewhere else but I can't keep track of all the places their cruise will take them, very cool places though! Yes, I'm jealous, I thought my sister would come to her senses and ditch her hubby and take me instead, but apparently she wants to go with him....pfff, she would totally have more fun with me...JK JK...ok anyway. She is going to be going to cool places on her trip, so she will be texting/emailing me great pics, so I will do little posts of Where in the World are Danny & Raquel! Mostly so the moms will not be stressed about where they are and if they are safe, and all those things moms worry about...we have worry moms in our family.
 Here's to you Danny & Raquel! Have fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Dang it, I'm sorry I was horrible at sending pics! Who knew internet access would cost so much on the ship?! Sorry! :(
